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“Madly Gifted”: The Effects of Treatment on Exceptional Artistic Talent

Documentary: Madly Gifted
Director: Niberca Polo
Producer: Nubia Edgar

“Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.”
Martin Luther King

Look for “Madly Gifted”. It’s a documentary that explores the complexity of the artistic talent and its relation to the Bipolar Spectrum through a combination of interviews, reenactments, and artwork. The purpose is to voice the opinion of bipolar artists about the impact of treatment to their creative mind and quality of life, their concerns and fears; it is a medium to enhance the communication between patients and health professionals to better serve patients’ needs. The visuals create an experience of “seeing through the eyes of a Bipolar Artist”. It will be used as a tool for social activism to educate, reduce stigma, and encourage more extensive investigation to find treatments specially aimed to the artistic community.

Visit the Website   |   Read the Full Thesis by the Director

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