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The National “Brooklyn Playbook.”

Posted by Guest Editor

Exclusive for News That Moves

By Paige Bluhdorn and Robyn Abraham, Esq./MBA

The Brooklyn Playbook summarizes the 1997 Florida Federal Court Filed Amended Complaint Memorializing the national “How To” Guide of the Systemic Takings of Children/Family Members, Homes, Property and Assets for Multimillion Dollar Profiteering

Prior to reportedly taking her life, New York protective Mother and former New York Federal Prosecutor Catherine Kassenoff confirmed to her friend and “Brooklyn Playbook” co-author New York attorney Robyn Abraham, Catherine’s case is one of countless national “Brooklyn Playbook” cases. 

Is Your Family Law, Guardianship/Conservatorship or Civil Case a national “Brooklyn Playbook” case? If so, please contact us.  

News That Moves:

Former New York Assistant US Attorney Catherine Youssef Kassenoff was a Hero to the countless mothers, fathers and children whom Catherine inspired. 

An exceptional New York litigator, Ivy League educated and ‘squeaky clean’ devoted loving Mom to three beautiful daughters and friend to many protective parents, Catherine valiantly fought to protect her children and herself from her abusive husband, multimillionaire attorney Allan Kassenoff. 

Besieged in years of endless court hearings costing more than $3 Million, a false arrest engineered by her husband and escalating tyranny, Catherine filed thousands of pages of confirming documents, videos and photographs of her husband’s escalating abuse against Catherine and their children – all the while undergoing debilitating breast cancer treatment[2].

None of Catherine’s nor her fine attorneys’ excellent work deterred her multimillionaire husband’s quest to destroy Catherine. In May 2023, Allan Kassenoff succeeded.  

In a chilling May 27, 2023 email sent to friends, her attorneys, supporters and posted on Facebook, Catherine announced she would be ending her life. Catherine stated on Facebook, “There are No Options Left.” 

Prior to ending her life, Catherine confirmed to her friend New York attorney Robyn Abraham, co-author of the 1997 federal court filed, “Brooklyn Playbook” Catherine’s case was “One more national Brooklyn Playbook case.” 

Catherine requested media attorney Robyn Abraham and her many other friends, “Please keep telling my story so that the truth is known far and wide.”   

Prior to the Westchester County, New York Kassenoff case, in 1997, attorney Robyn Abraham and retired New York Organized Crime Prosecutor Jeremiah McKenna drafted and federal court filed in Florida “The Brooklyn Playbook” (Summarized in the Florida federal Court filed Amended Complaint). 

The Florida federal court filed “Brooklyn Playbook” memorializes the “How To Take Kids for Cash” Guide resulting in the similar taking of Catherine Kassenoff’s homes, children and assets – almost 25 years later in Westchester County, New York. The Florida filed “Brooklyn Playbook” case is styled, “Dolin v. FDLE Agent West 97-757-Civ- Orl-18B”.  


The “Brooklyn Playbook” (and filed Amended Complaint) memorializes the systemic taking of children, homes and assets by family law guardians, psychologists, experts, attorneys and accomplices. This “How To” guide was Florida federal court filed in 1997 by former New York Organized Crime Prosecutor Jeremiah McKenna, other fine attorneys and Ms. Abraham in Dolin v. FDLE Agent West 97-757-Civ- Orl-18B.  

This nationally weaponized “Brooklyn Playbook,” not only converts innocent children and families into lucrative ‘Profit Centers’, this blueprint often is weaponized in elder and handicapped guardianship/conservatorship cases – and in civil cases as well. 

Ms. Kassenoff and Ms. Abraham agreed, “The Brooklyn Playbook” can and has been weaponized against literally anyone.

The Basic Steps of the Federal Court Filed “Brooklyn Playbook” are as follows:  

1) A Judge requests to be assigned, is assigned or self-assigns the case re: a specific Target;

2) All the Target’s favorable evidence, depositions, declarations, witnesses and documentation are stricken, sealed and/or eliminated by the judge who requests assignment of the Target’s case; 

3) The Target’s family member/s, homes, assets and/or resources are taken. Often, the Target is financially annihilated, forced to be homeless and deprived of basic living resources. The Target often intentionally is deprived of the Target’s own financial resources to afford experienced counsel; 

4) In the case of vexatious and/or a series of fabricated ‘Tag Team’ synchronized lawsuits intentionally engineered against The Target in several states and courts, the Target is forced to defend daily if not hourly litigation attacks in several states and different courtrooms. The Target intentionally is deprived of the ability to work and/or continue gainful employment; 

5) Fabricated evidence, false claims, false witnesses, illegal evidence and junk science are filed/presented against the Target. The Target is prohibited from presenting necessary documented defense evidence.

6) Court Orders providing full credibility to the junk science, false claims, illegal evidence and fabricated evidence against The Target often are issued – contrary to black letter law and fully documented facts;

7) The Target’s Case is fully reversed against The Target. The Target’s legal case and often The Target personally, systematically and intentionally is destroyed pursuant to “The Brooklyn Playbook” format. 

Just as that which was confirmed in Catherine Kassenoff’s cases, the Target is caused to be repeatedly Ordered homeless, caused to be physically ill and caused to be destitute.

8) Repeat. 

Backing up Robyn Abraham is Amy Neustein Ph.D.,

Amy Neustein, Ph.D., co-author of From Madness to Mutiny, points to a dysfunctional family court system that has wreaked havoc on the lives of unsuspecting women causing them to be bereft of their children. She states that nothing short of a Justice Department investigation will bring back the civility and respect of the family courts. Unfortunately, good judges who try to do the right thing are suffering from the tarnished name given to family court by bad actors acting in complicity with one another to suppress abuse that places children in grave peril


We have received many national confirmations that “The Brooklyn Playbook” has been weaponized against countless innocent families, children and Targets throughout the country.

If you believe your case is a “Brooklyn Playbook” case, please contact us at: paigebluhdorn@me.com. Thank you.

Paige Bluhdorn is a native of Rhode Island where Paige’s ancestors helped found the state with Roger Williams. At the age of eleven Paige was accepted to the School of American Ballet in NYC and prospered there until she grew too tall to enter the company. Paige, often says, “take a negative and turn it into a positive” and that is what she did when she switched gears from ballet to modeling. Working alongside icons such as Linda Evangelista, Paige found herself doing photo shoots and commercials for Armani, Chanel, Revlon and Valentino. Currently an artist, photojournalist and designer as well as writing her memoire and editing for her Newsthatmoves site Paige remains very busy exposing the corruption of Family court due to her own struggles with her twin daughters in that Family court system.

[1] Robyn Abraham is a New York, Washington DC and Florida media attorney and investigative journalist who also has an MBA from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. 

Ms. Abraham previously served on The Georgetown University McDonough School of Business Board of Advisors for several years. Ms. Abraham previously clerked for now Senior 11th Federal Circuit Justice Susan H. Black, was assigned to clerk for other federal judges on criminal and project finance matters and worked for the US Securities and Exchange Commission Enforcement Division. 

Ms. Abraham previously was appointed by former Florida Bar President Edith Osman and served as a Florida Bar appointed Commissioner to The Florida Bar Legal Needs of Children Commission. 

In 2013, Harvard University affiliated “Harvardwood.org” awarded Ms. Abraham the “Harvardwood Hero” award for successfully “translating law, business and finance” to national and international mainstream media, documentary film producers and social media. 

Ms. Abraham is and has been an active member of the internationally renowned investigative journalism organization IRE.org for many years. 

This article is dedicated in loving memory to former New York Federal Prosecutor Catherine Youssef Kassenoff and to retired New York Organized Crime Prosecutor Jeremiah McKenna, both of whom died fighting “The Brooklyn Playbook”.   

Many of Catherine Kassenoff’s court filed documents, videos and photographs presently are available via DropBox on her Facebook page.

In light of the law suit by Allan Kassenoff against media presenter Robby Harvey who reported on Allan’s role in the assisted suicide death of his wife Catherine Kassenoff, I am asking anyone with a similar case to write me at paigebluhdorn@me.com

Click to download Kassenoff versus Harvey complaint

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